Invited Talks
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    학 술 대 회 명   l  The Netherlands Workshop on Graphs and Matroids
    강 연 주 제   l  Raphic delta-matroids
    발 표 년 도   l  2008
    발 표 월   l  07
    저    자   l  Oum, Sangil
    개  최  국  가   l  네덜란드
    다운로드    l


년도별 리스트보기 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
File Topic Conference Date Read
An Erdos--Ko--Rado Theorem for cross $t$-intersecting families Colloquium at Yonsei University 2013.05. 1768
학술회의발표실적(2007. 9. 1 ~ 2009. 9. 30) 2009.11. 2249
Rational homology projective planes and Montgomery-Yang Problem Summer Meeting of the Canadian Math Society 2009.06. 2711
The dimension of the second bounded cohomology The 2nd East Asia Algebraic Topology Conference 2008.12. 2582
Survey on rank-width and clique-width Kyoto RIMS Winter School on Graphs and Algorithms 2008.12. 2397
Structure theorems of projected varieties according to moving the center The 30th conference on Commutative Algebra 2008.11. 3689
Universal norm elements and Z_p extensions Japan-Korea number theory conference 2008.11. 2529
Realizing exceptional K3 groups in positive characteristic Algebraic Geometry in Positive Characteristics and Related Topics 2008.11. 2432
Truncated Euler systems over imaginary fields 2008 Global KMS international conference 2008.10. 2485
Finite group actions of homotopy K3 surfaces International Pacific Rim Complex Geometry Conference 2008.08. 3007
Holomorphic self-maps of Fano manifolds of 2nd Betti number 1 Workshop on geometry of complex manifolds 2008.07. 2328
Raphic delta-matroids The Netherlands Workshop on Graphs and Matroids 2008.07. 2702
Solvable automorphism groups of compact Kaehler manifolds Second International Transformation Groups-University of Massachusetts at Amhurst (USA) 2008.07. 2569
toric cohomological rigidity of simple convex polytope New Horizon in toric topology 2008.07. 2770
The special values of Hecke's L-function at S=0 and related problems ICFIDCAA 2008.07. 2372
Construction of class fields over imaginary quadratic fields and applications 16th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications 2008.07. 2764
Holomorphic self-maps of Fano manifolds of 2nd Betti number 1 Workshop on geometric analysis and several complex variables 2008.06. 2399
Algebra and geometry under projections and applications. Symposium on “Active period on commutative algebra, complexes" 2008.06. 2671
Chain Theorems for 4-prime Graphs SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2008.06. 2451
Graphic delta-matroids Kyoto RIMS Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization and Discrete Algorithms 2008.06. 2337