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    개 최 기 간   l  2009-08-17 ~ 2009-08-19
    학술회의명   l  제 2회 Topology Workshop
    참 가 국 수   l  
    분      야   l  Topology
    개 최 장 소   l  KAIST
    주 최 자   l  Yongjin Song, Dong Youp Suh
    다운로드    l 대수구조포스터6.102738.pdf   /   PROGRAM.doc  
제 2회 Topology Workshop
8월 17일(월)-19일(수)
장소: #1501, E6-1, KAIST
Invited Speaker
김태희(건국대) 서동엽(KAIST)
송용진(인하대) 이종범(서강대)
정규락(KIAS) 조윤희(서울시립대)
조장현(경상대) 조진석(서울대) 함지영(서울대)
주관: 송용진(인하대학교), 서동엽(KAIST)
* 17일 점심이 예약되어 있으니 일찍 도착하시는 분들께서는
자연과학동 E6-1 #1410 에 11시 50분까지 오셔서 식권을 받아 이용하시기 바랍니다.
송용진 : yjsong@inha.ac.kr, HP : 011-477-9294
김윤옥 : yokim@kaist.ac.kr, Tel : 042-350-8111
August 17 -19, 2009, KAIST
8월 17일 (월)
1:00 – 1:15 등록 및 개회식
1:15 – 2:00 서동엽(KAIST)
Bott towers and cohomological rigidity I
A Bott tower is a sequence of CP1-bundles Bi over Bi-1. Each Bi is a called the i-th stage Bott manifold. One 
can extend this definition to define a generalized Bott tower and manifold to be a sequence of complex space
bundles. One of the interesting question in toric topology asks whether two (generalized) Bott manifolds Bn
and Bn' are homeomorphic (or diffeomorphic) provided their cohomologies are isomorphic as graded rings.
 This is called the cohomological rigidity question} for (generalized) Bott manifolds. In this talk we discuss
some related back ground material from toric theory and some positive results on the question.
2:15 – 3:00 이종범(서강대학교)
Averaging formula for Nielsen numbers I
We show that the averaging formula for Nielsen numbers holds for continuous maps on infranilmanifolds, and
infra-solvmanifolds of type (R). We illustrate by examples how practical the formula is.
3:15 – 4:00 정규락(KIAS)
Derived (or Homotopy) categories and derived functors I
Mathematical invariants may be represented as fuctors from categories to categories but many invariants are
 homotopy invariants. So we consider their derived categories and their derived functors instead. I will explain
 this process and give some examples.
4:15 – 5:00조장현(서강대학교)
Finitely dominated spaces and projective modules I
In this talk, I will survey various results in the topic indicated by the title and introduce its related several
algebraic or topological conjectures. I will also present various topics such as finiteness conditions of groups,
 L2-invariants, and etc.
5:15 – 6:00 조장현(서강대학교)
Finitely dominated spaces and projective modules II
In this talk, I will survey various results in the topic indicated by the title and introduce its related several
 algebraic or topological conjectures. I will also present various topics such as finiteness conditions of
groups, L2-invariants, and etc. 6:30 회식 (Dinner)
8월 18일 (화)
9:15-10:00 서동엽(KAIST)
Bott towers and cohomological rigidity II
A Bott tower is a sequence of CP1-bundles Bi over Bi-1. Each Bi is a called the i-th stage Bott manifold. One
 can extend this definition to define a generalized Bott tower and manifold to be a sequence of complex space
 bundles. One of the interesting question in toric topology asks whether two (generalized) Bott manifolds Bn
 and Bn' are homeomorphic (or diffeomorphic) provided their cohomologies are isomorphic as graded rings.
This is called the cohomological rigidity question} for (generalized) Bott manifolds. In this talk we discuss
some related back ground material from toric theory and some positive results on the question.
2:15 – 3:00 이종범(서강대학교)
Averaging formula for Nielsen numbers II
We show that the averaging formula for Nielsen numbers holds for continuous maps on infranilmanifolds,
and infra-solvmanifolds of type (R). We illustrate by exampleshow practical the formula is.
11:15-12:00 정규락(KIAS)
Derived (or Homotopy) categories and derived factors II
Mathematical invariants may be represented as fuctors from categories to categories but many invariants are
homotopy invariants. So we consider their derived categories and their derived functors instead. I will explain
 this process and give some examples.
12:00-1:00 점심
1:00~ 단체 관광 (Excursion) 장소: 부여
8월 19일 (수)
9:30-10:15 조진석(서울대학교)
Kashaev invariant
We will briefly overview some basic theory of knots and quantum invariants. As an example of quantum
invariants, we will define the Kashaev invariant of a knot.
10:30-11:15 조진석(서울대학교)
Kashaev's volume conjecture Kashaev conjectured that the limit of the Kashaev invariant of a knot gives
the hyperbolic volume of the knot complement. We will overview some geometric meanings of the Kashaev
 invariant following Yokota theory. Some recent improvements in the volume conjecture will be briefly
11:30-12:15 조윤희(서울시립대학교)
Problems in extended hyperbolic space I
We define and study an extended hyperbolic space which contains the hyperbolic space and de Sitter
space as subspaces and which is obtained as an analytic continuation of the hyperbolic space. We discuss
extended Kleinian model and extended Poincare model. And we discuss the advantages of this new
geometric model as well as some of its applications and problems.
12:15-1:45 Lunch
1:45-2:30 김태희(건국대학교)
Reidemeister torsion and homology cylinders I
In these two lectures, we will discuss Reidemeister torsion and its application to homology cylinders over a
 surface. In the first lecture, an algebraic definition of Reidemeister torsion will be given, and we will study its
basic properties. Using these, in the second lecture we will show that the homology cobordism group of
 homology cylinders over a surface has nontrivial abelian quotients, which is joint work with Jae Choon Cha
 and Stefan Friedl.
2:45-3:30 김태희(건국대학교)
Reidemeister torsion and homology cylinders II
In these two lectures, we will discuss Reidemeister torsion and its application to homology cylinders over
a surface. In the first lecture, an algebraic definition of Reidemeister torsion will be given, and we will study
its basic properties. Using these, in the second lecture we will show that the homology cobordism group of
homology cylinders over a surface has nontrivial abelian quotients, which is joint work with Jae Choon Cha
and Stefan Friedl.
3:45-4:30 함지영(서울대학교)
Volumes of hyperbolic cone-manifolds of knot 6_1


년도별 리스트보기 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
No Conference Place Date Host
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15 2009 Combinatorics Workshop(2009 조합론 학술대회) KAIST, Bldg#E6-1 (자연과학... 2009-08-20 ~ 2009-08-21 Soon-Yi Kang, Sang-i...
14 East Asia Number Theory Conference Tsinghua University 2009-08-19 ~ 2009-08-22 Sunghan Bae (KAIST),...
제 2회 Topology Workshop KAIST 2009-08-17 ~ 2009-08-19 Yongjin Song, Dong Y...
12 2009 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology Hotel Riviera 2009-06-16 ~ 2009-06-18 Soonhak Kwon, Jung H...
11 2009 NIMS Summer School 호텔 스파피아 2009-06-13 ~ 2009-06-15 Jung Hee Cheon, Soon...
10 2009 Algebraic Geometry Workshop at KAIST KAIST 2009-04-09 ~ 2009-04-11 Sijong Kwak, Seonja ...
9 KAIST Workshop on Syzygies and Geometry KAIST 2008-11-12 ~ 2008-11-13 David Eisenbud, Sijo...
8 ASARC-Conference on Transformation Group Theory KAIST 2008-08-29 ~ 2008-08-29 Dong Youp Suh
7 Algebraic Geometry Workshop 군산 리버힐 호텔 2008-08-28 ~ 2008-08-30 금종해, 황동...
6 ASARC 정수론 학술대회 경남대학교 2008-08-18 ~ 2008-08-21 배성한, 손진...
5 제 1회 Topology workshop KAIST 2008-08-12 ~ 2008-08-14 Dong Youp Suh
4 2008 Ewha-KMS International Workshop on Cryptography 이화여대 2008-06-19 ~ 2008-06-20
3 Toric Topology Workshop KAIST 2008 KAIST 2008-06-05 ~ 2008-06-13 Dong Youp Suh
2 ASARC Miniworkshop on Monodromy and Fourier transformation KAIST 2008-05-22 ~ 2008-05-24 Byungheup Jun (KAIST...
1 East Asia Number Theory Conference KAIST 2008-01-21 ~ 2008-01-24 Sunghan Bae , Sang G...