Organizing Conference
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    개 최 기 간   l  2009-08-20 ~ 2009-08-21
    학술회의명   l  2009 Combinatorics Workshop(2009 조합론 학술대회)
    참 가 국 수   l  
    분      야   l  
    개 최 장 소   l  KAIST, Bldg#E6-1 (자연과학동, Natural Science Bldg) Room 1501, Daejeon, Korea
    주 최 자   l  Soon-Yi Kang, Sang-il Oum
    다운로드    l abs.pdf  
2009 Combinatorics Workshop(2009 조합론 학술대회)
올해로 제6회째를 맞는 조합론 학술대회가 2009년에는 KAIST에서 열립니다. 많은 참석 바랍니다.
Date: August 20-21, 2009 (Thursday/Friday)
Place: KAIST, Bldg#E6-1 (자연과학동, Natural Science Bldg) Room 1501, Daejeon, Korea Questions? Email to kaist2009 Register and Submit a contributed talk Invited talks are for 50 minutes each and contributed talks are for 25 minutes each. To register, please visit the REGISTRATION PAGE. 등록페이지에서 숙박요청 및 강연희망 여부 등을 포함한 사항을 등록해주세요.
Invited Speakers Andreas Holmsen, KAIST. Combinatorial geometry and geometric transversals Tommy R. Jensen, Kyungpook National University. Some open problems on critical graphs Jeong-Han Kim (김정한), NIMS. T.B.A. Suh-Ryung Kim (김서령), Seoul National University. Competition graph and its variants Seunghyun Seo (서승현), Kangwon National University. Counting derangements with ascents and descents in given positions Mark H. Siggers, Kyungpook National University. Reflexive graphs admitting semilattice polymorphisms ― a characterisation generalising chordal graphs (Tentative)
Organizing Committee Gi-Sang Cheon (천기상), Sungkyunkwan University Dongsu Kim (김동수), KAIST Jaeun Lee (이재운), Yeongnam University Local Organizing Committee Soon-Yi Kang (강순이), KAIST (Email: sy2kang at kaist.ac.kr) Sang-il Oum (엄상일), KAIST (Email: sangil at kaist.edu)
Sponsors ASARC BK21 KAIST Development Project of Human Resource in Mathematics
Previous Combinatorics Workshops 2004, Aug. 16-17, Yonsei University 2005, Aug. 8-10, Yonsei University 2006, Aug. 9-10, Yeongnam University 2007, Aug. 6-8, KAIST 2008, Aug. 7-8, Sungkyunkwan University
Suh-Ryung Kim (김서령)-서울대
Competition graph and its variants Andreas HolmsenCombinatorial geometry and geometric transversals
Andreas Holmsen (KAIST)
Combinatorial geometry and geometric transversals
Young Soo Kwon (권영수)-Yeungnam University
Classification of regular embeddings of a cartesian power of a graph
Kyomin Jung (정교민) (joint with Arnab Bhattacharyya, Elena Grigorescu, SofyaRaskhodnikova and David Woodruff)-KAIST
Transitive-Closure Spanner of Directed Graphs
Jongyook Park (박종육) (joint with Jacobus H. Koolen)-POSTECH
A characterization of Taylor graphs
Tommy R. Jensen-Kyungpook National University
Some open problems on critical graphs
Boram Park (박보람)- Seoul National University
Fiver Games on Toruses
Joon Yop Lee (이준엽)-POSTECH
On calculations of the number of lonesum matrices Tommy JensenSome open problems on critical graphs
Jeong-Han Kim (김정한)-NIMS
Complete description of early giant compoents in random graph G(n,p)
Jacobus H. Koolen (joint with A. Dress, K. T. Huber, V. Moulton and A. Spillner)-POSTECH
Blobs, blocks and other cyclic elements
Sejeong Bang (방세정)-Pusan National University
Geometric Distance-Regular Graphs with Smallest Eigenvalue-3
Ebrahim Ghorbani- Sharif University of Technology, Tehran & POSTECH
Graphs with many ±1 or ±√2 eigenvalues
On spherical dual width
Joonkyung Lee (이준경) (joint with Sang-il Oum)-KAIST
The Rank of Skew-Symmetric Random Matrices Over Finite Fields
Seunghyun Seo (서승현) (joint with Dongsu Kim)-Kangwon National University
Counting derangements with ascents and descents in given positions
Heesung Shin (신희성)- Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
Symmetry and super-symmetry distribution for partitions
Myeong-Ju Jeong (정명주)-Korea Science Academy
Finite type invariants and n-equivalence of graphs
Hana Kim (김하나)-Sungkyunkwan University
m-pseudo involutions
Uijin Jung (정의진) (joint with In-je Lee)-KAIST
Bi-resolving graph homomorphisms and application to symbolic dynamics
Seok-Zun Song (송석준)- Jeju National University
Regular matrices and their preservers over semirings
Mark Siggers (joint with Pavol Hell)-Kyungpook National University
Reflexive graphs admitting semilattice polymorphisms —a characterisationgeneralising
chordal graphs