Organizing Conference
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    개 최 기 간   l  2008-08-29 ~ 2008-08-29
    학술회의명   l  ASARC-Conference on Transformation Group Theory
    참 가 국 수   l  3
    분      야   l  위상수학
    개 최 장 소   l  KAIST
    주 최 자   l  Dong Youp Suh
    다운로드    l 1245827894_0.230728.pdf  
ASARC-Conference on Transformation Group Theory
dedicated to Professor Karl Heinz Dovermann on his 60th birthday
TIME 9:30 AM ~ 5:50 PM August 29 (Friday), 2008
PLACE : Seminar Room 1409, Building E6-1, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Korea Adv. Institute of Sci. and Tech.
PARTICIPANTS Karl Heinz Dovermann (Univ. of Hawaii) Mamoru Mimura (Okayama Univ.) Yoshinobu Kamishima (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) Mikiya Masuda (Osaka City Univ.) Joonkook Shin (Chungnam Univ.) Sung Sook Kim (Paichai Univ.) Dong Youp Suh (KAIST) Dae Heui Park (Cheonnam National Univ.) Jin-Hwan Cho (Univ. of Suwon) Myung-Jun Choi (Yonsei Univ. & ASARC-KAIST) Hee Sook Park (ASARC-KAIST) Suyoung Choi (KAIST) Yunhyung Cho (KAIST) Seonjeong Park (KAIST)
�. The conference is organized by Algebraic Structures and its Application Research Center (ASARC) and BK21 KAIST.
�. After the conference there will be a conference Banquet
�.Any question concerning the conference can be asked to dysuh@math.kaist.ac.kr.
Time-Table 9:00--9:30 Registration
9:30--10:20 Mimura
Stiefel-Whitney classes and representations for the exceptional Lie groups
10:35 --11: 35 Dovermann
Algebraic realization of manifolds and vector bundles with group actions
11:50:00--12:20 Masuda
Cohomology of real projective bundles over a real projective space 12:20--12:30 Photo session 12:30--2:00 Lunch
2:00--2:50 Kamishimaung
Noncompact conformal group actions on compact Lorent manifolds
3:00--3:30 Shin
Twisted quaternionic heisenberg group 3:30--4:10 Coffee Break
4:10--4:30 J. Cho
Topological entropy of pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms of genus two surfaces
4:30--4:50 M. Choi
A remark on the deformation quantization
5:10--5:30 Y. Cho
Circle actions on symplectic manifolds
5:30--5:50 S. Choi
Properties of Bott towers 6:30--8:30 Conference Banquet (Riviera Hotel Buffet)