Organizing Conference
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    개 최 기 간   l  2010-01-27 ~ 2010-01-29
    학술회의명   l  Algebra and Geometry of Subvarieties of Projective Space
    참 가 국 수   l  
    분      야   l  Algebraic Geometry
    개 최 장 소   l  E6-1 #1409
    주 최 자   l  Sijong Kwak, JongHae Keum
    다운로드    l

2010 Algebra and Geometry of Subvarieties of Projective Space

(in honor of Professor Fyodor Zak on his 60th birthday)
January 27-29, 2010

This workshop will take place in the department of mathematical sciences, KAIST(homepage) in Daejeon, Korea. The following speakers agreed to give a talk:

Invited Speakers

M.Aprodu (Romanian Academy, Bucharest)
Green's conjecture for curves on K3 surfaces

J-M.Hwang (KIAS, Seoul)
Projective varieties whose automorphism groups have non-trivial prolongations

P.Ionescu (U. of Bucharest)
Manifolds covered by lines, defective manifolds and a restricted Hartshorne Conjecture

H.Kaji (Waseda Univ., Tokyo)
Gauss maps in positive characteristic

Christian Peskine (University Pierre et Marie Curie)
The k-secant lemma

E. Park (Korea U, Seoul)
Projective subvarieties of degree=codimension+2

Katsuhisa Furukawa (Waseda University)
Defining ideal of the Segre locus in arbitrary characteristic

F.Polizzi (Univ. of Calabria/Sogang Univ., Seoul)
Triple covers of the projective plane with p_g=q=0

Z.Ran (Univ. of California Riverside)
Subscheme methods for nodal curves

M.Reid (Univ. of Warwick/Sogang Univ., Seoul)
Codimension 4 Gorenstein varieties and unprojection

F.Zak (Inde. Univ. of Moscow)
Multisecants and normality of varieties of small codimension

Park Jihun (POSTECH)
Log canonical thresholds of effective anticanonical divisors on Fano varieties




