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Li, Chengju
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Number theory
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Ph D. Nanjing U. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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한국과학기술원 자연과학동 E6-1 #3416
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2015. 3. 1 ~ 2016. 2. 29

Published Papers
2016/ On numerical equivalence for algebraic cobordism/ J. Pure Appl. Algebra/ 220/ 1/ 435-464
2015/ Semitopologization in motivic homotopy theory and applications/ Algebraic & Geometric Topology/ 15/ 2/ 823-861
2015/ DGA-structure on additive higher Chow groups/ Int. Math. Res. Not./ 2015/ 1/ 1-54
2015/ Number of nodal domains and singular points of eigenfunctions of negatively curved surfaces with an isometric involution/ J. Differential Geom./ accepted/ /
2015/ On the sparsity of positive-definite automorphic forms within a family/ J. Anal. Math. / accepted/ /
2014/ Sharp bounds for higher linear syzygies and classifications of projective varieties/ Math. Ann./ DOI 10.1007/s00208-014-1084-9/ /
2014/ On Syzygies, degree, and geometric properties of projective schemes with property N_{3,p}./ J Pure and Applied Algebra(JPAA)/ / /
2014/ Orbifold Morse–Smale–Witten complexes/ International Journal of Mathematics/ 25/ 5/ Doi:10.1142
2014/ Lagrangian Floer Superpotentials and Crepant Resolutions for Toric Orbifolds/ Communications in mathematical physics / / / DOI 10.1007/s00220-014-1
2014/ On constant-multiple-free sets contained in random sets of integers/ Ars Combinatoria/ / /
2013/ Algebraic cobordism theory attached to algebraic equivalence/ Journal of K-theory / 11/ 1/ 73-112
2013/ The number of Sidon sets and the maximum size of Sidon sets contained in a sparse random set of integers/ Random Structures and Algorithms/ DOI 10.1002/rsa.20496/ /
2013/ On the counting of holomorphic discs in toric Fano manifolds/ Advances in Geometry / DOI: 10.1515/advgeom-2012-0041/ /
2012/ Mixed motives over k[t]/(t^{m+1})/ Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu/ 11/ 3/ 611-657
2012/ Moving lemma for additive higher Chow groups, Algebra & Number Theory / Algebra & Number Theory/ 6/ 2/ 293-326
2012/ Extension of finite solvable torsors over a curve/ Manuscripta Mathematica/ doi: 10.1007/s00229-012-0535-4/ /
2012/ On the Grothendieck-Lefschetz theorem for a family of varieties/ Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques/ 136/ 4/ 423 - 431
2011/ Vector bundles over normal varieties trivialized by finite morphisms DOI: 10.1007/s00013-011-0327-1 / Archiv der Mathematik / 97/ 6/ 523-527
2011/ The fundamental group scheme of a non reduced scheme/ Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques/ 135/ 5/ 531-539
2011/ Accelerating Pollard’s Rho Algorithm on Finite Fields/ Journal of Cryptology/ / /
2010/ On q-Euler Numbers Related to the Modified q-Bernstein Polynomials/ Abstract and Applied Analysis/ 2010/ Article ID 952384/ 15
2010/ A combinatorial approach to the power of 2 in the number of involutions/ Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A/ 117/ / 1082~1094
2010/ Skew domino Schensted correspondence and sign-imbalance/ European Journal of Combinatorics/ 31/ 1/ 210-229
200911/ Published paper(2007. 9. 1 ~ 2012. 10. 31)/ / / /
2009/ Operations on three dimensional small covers/ Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. B/ accepted/ /
2009/ Characterization of homogeneous torus manifolds/ Osaka Journal of Mathematics/ accepted/ /
2009/ Bounding sectional curvature along Kahler-Ricci flow/ Commun. Contemp. Math./ accepted/ /
2009/ On the topology of diffeomorphisms of symplectic 4-manifolds/ Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society/ accepted/ /
2009/ On the classification of quaternionic Kahler manifolds with b_4=1/ Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series)/ accepted/ /
2009/ Quasitoric Manifolds over a product of simplices/ Osaka Journal of Mathematics/ accepted/ /
2009/ Topological classification of generalized Bott towers/ Trans. of Amer. Math. Soc./ accepted/ /
2009/ Characteristic foliation on a hypersurface of general type in a projective symplectic manifold/ Compositio Mathematica/ accepted/ /
2009/ Unobstructedness of deformations of holomorphic maps onto Fano manifolds of Picard number 1/ Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik/ accepted/ /
2009/ The maximum number of singular points on rational homology projective planes/ Journal of Algebraic Geometry/ accepted/ /
2009/ A generalization of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for representations of noncommutative algebras/ Journal of Algebra/ accepted/ /
2009/ Metered Signatures - How to restrict the Signing Capability/ Journal of Communications and Networks/ accepted/ /
2009/ Families of elliptic curves over cubic number fields with prescribed torsion subgroups/ Mathematics of Computations/ accepted/ /
2009/ Generating function for traces of singular moduli and application to Borcherds products/ Ramanujan Journal/ accepted/ /
2009/ Generation of ray class fields by elliptic units/ Bull. London Math. Soc/ accepted/ /
2009/ Function fields of certain arithmetic curves and application/ Acta Arithmetica/ accepted/ /
2009/ Artin L-functions and modular forms Associated to quasi-cyclotomic fields/ Acta Arithmetica/ accepted/ /
2009/ A Generalization of Fulton-MacPherson Configuration Spaces/ Selecta Mathematica New Ser./ 15/ 3/ 435-443
2009/ Miyaoka-Yau inequality for minimal projective manifolds of general type/ Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society/ 137/ 8/ 2749-2754
2009/ Mock Jacobi Forms in Basic Hypergeometric Series/ Compositio Mathematica/ 145/ 3/ 553-565
2009/ Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertexts/ Proceeding of PKC 2009/ LNCS 5443/ / 215-234
2009/ Modular forms arising from divisor functions / J. Math. Anal. Appl./ 356/ 2/ 537-547
2009/ A combinatorial approach to the power of 2 in the number of involutions/ Journal of combinatorial theory series A/ / /
2009/ Truncated euler systems over imaginary quadratic fields/ Nagoya Math. J./ 195/ / 97-111
2009/ Excluding a bipartite circle graph from line graphs/ J. Graph Theory/ 60/ 3/ 183-203
2009/ Computing rank-width exactly/ Inform. Process. Lett./ 109/ 13/ 745-748
2009/ Circle graph obstructions under pivoting/ J.Graph Theory/ 61/ 1/ 1-11
2009/ On the coefficients of certain family of modular equations/ Osaka Journal of Mathematics/ 46/ 2/ 479-502
2009/ Arithmetic of the Ramanujan-Gollnitz-Gordon continued fraction/ JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY / 129/ 4/ 922-947
2009/ Cyclotomic units in function fields/ Proceedings of the American mathematical society / 137/ 2/ 401-408
2009/ Partitions weighted by the parity of the crank / Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A/ 116/ / 1034-1046
2008/ The complete determination of wide Richaud-Degert type which is not 5 modulo 8 with class number one/ Acta Arithmetica/ accepted/ /
2008/ On some arithmetic properties of Siegel functions/ MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT/ / /
2008/ The number of small covers over cubes/ Algebraic & Geometric Topology/ 8/ 4/ 2391-2399
2008/ Analysis of Privacy-Preserving Element Reduction of a Multiset/ Journal of Korean Mathematical Society/ 46/ 1/ 59-69
2008/ The Complete determination of narrow Richaud-Degert type which is not 5 modulo 8 with class number two/ JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY/ 129/ 3/ 604-620
2008/ On the formality and strong Lefschetz property of symplectic manifolds/ MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY/ 145/ 2/ 363-377
2008/ On some arithmetic properties of Siegel functions/ MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT/ accepted/ /
2008/ On formulas for the index of the circular distributions/ MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA/ 127/ 3/ 381-396
2008/ On the infinite products derived from theta series II/ Journal of Korean Mathematical Society/ 45/ 5/ 1379-1391
2008/ Skipping, Cascade, and Combined Chain Schemes for Broadcast Encryption/ IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/ 54/ 11/ 5155-5171
2008/ Multisignatures Secure under the Discrete Logarithm Assumption and a Generalized Forking Lemma/ ACM Conference on Computer C5and Communications Security/ / / 449-458
2008/ Finding branch-decompositions and rank-decompositions/ SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING/ 38/ 3/ 1012-1032
2008/ Approximating rank-width and clique-width quickly/ ACM Transactions on Algorithms/ 5/ 1/ Art. 10, 20
2008/ Compact manifolds covered by a torus/ JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS/ 18/ 2/ 324-340
2008/ Classification problems of toric manifolds via topology/ Contemporary Mathematics/ 460/ / 273-286
2008/ Rank-width and well-quasi-ordering/ SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS / 22/ 2/ 666-682
2008/ A Parameterized Splitting System and its Application to the Discrete Logaritm Problem with Low Hamming Weight Product Exponents/ Proceedings of Public Key Cryptography/ 4939/ /
2007/ Grobner Bases in Control Theory and Signal Processing / de Gruyter, Berlin/ 978-3-11-019556-9/ /
2007/ Traces of singular moduli of arbitrary level modular functions/ Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (Internaltion mathematical research notices)/ / 22/ 17 pp
2014-11-28/ On some first sign change problems of modular forms
2014-09-03/ Geometric properties of projective manifolds of small degree
2014-03-06/ Geometric properities of projective manifolds of small degree
2014-02-28/ Periodic Hamiltonian flows with almost minimality conditions
2014-02-06/ On a generalization of Hirzebruch's theorem to Bott towers
2014-01-10/ Quantitative quantum ergodicity and the nodal domains of Maass-Hecke cusp forms
2013-12-09/ Fourier-Mukai transformation on algebraic cobordism
2013-12-09/ On numerical equivalence for algebraic cobordism
2013-10-08/ ON THE NUMBER OF B_h-SETS
2013-10-02/ A Thom-Porteous formula for connective K-theory using algebraic cobordism
2013-09-30/ Semi-topologization in motivic homotopy theory and applications
2013-09-06/ On the free rank of abelian groups acting freely on products of spheres
2013-04-30/ The contact sphere theorem in dimension three
2013-03-07/ Finiteness of solvable automorphisms with null entropy on a compact K¨ahler manifold
2012-08-27/ Lagrangian Floer Superpotentials and Crepant Resolutions for Toric Orbifolds
2012-03-26/ Algebraic cobordism theory attached to algebraic equivalence
2011-11-13/ On the Grothendieck-Lefschetz Theorem for a Family of Varieties
2011-09-26/ Extension of Finite Solvable Torsors over a Curve
2011-09-20/ Vector Bundles over Normal Varieties Trivialized by Finite Morphisms
2011-05-17/ Solvable subgroups of automorphisms of a compact Kahler manifold
2011-04-22/ On the conjecture of Kosniowski
2011-03-09/ The Fundamental Group Scheme of a non Reduced Scheme
2011-01-07/ On the tate module of a number field
2010-11-09/ Higher dimensional Enriques varieties with even index
2010-08-30/ A note on sums of products of Bernoulli numbers
2010-08-18/ Modularity of Galois Traces of Class Invariants
2010-08-18/ Arithmetic Properties of Traces of Singular Moduli on Congruene subgroups
2010-08-11/ Algebraic Montgomery-Yang Problem: the non-cyclic case
2010-02-03/ Mixed Motives over k[t]/(t^{m+1})
2009-10-08/ Genus field of real biquadratic fields II
2009-10-05/ Families of elliptic curves over quartic number fields with prescribed torsion subgroups
2009-10-05/ Families of elliptic curves over cubic number fields with prescribed torsion subgroups
2009-09-28/ Branch-width and Tangles
2009-09-28/ Elliptic units and circular units
2009-09-28/ On first layers of Zp-extensions
2009-09-22/ Algebraic Montgomery-Yang Problem: the non-rational case and the log del Pezzo case
2009-09-22/ Algebraic Montgomery-Yang Problem: the noncyclic case
2009-09-21/ Finding minimum clique capacity
2009-09-21/ Injective chromatic number and chromatic number of the square of graphs
2009-09-21/ Perfect Matchings in Claw-free Cubic Graphs
2009-09-21/ Rank-width and Tree-width of H-minor-free Graphs
2009-09-18/ Moving lemma for additive Chow groups and applications
2009-09-07/ Free groups in the second bounded cohology
2009-08-05/ On some ring class invariants over imaginary quadratic fields(II)
2009-08-03/ Ray class fields generated by torsion points of certain elliptic curves
2009-07-21/ 4-ranks of class groups of quadratic extensions of certain quadratic function fields
2009-07-20/ Generation of ray class fields by elliptic units
2009-07-20/ Function fields of certain arithmetic curves and application
2009-07-20/ The number of exceptional orbits of a pseudo-free circle action on S^5
2009-07-09/ Graded mapping cone theorem, multisecants and syzygies
2009-07-07/ A complete determination of rabinowitsch polynomials
2009-07-07/ Caliber number of real quadratic fields
2009-07-06/ Partitions weighted by the parity of the crank
2009-05-22/ Generators of function fields of the modular curves X_1(5) and X_1(6)
2009-03-20/ A combinatorial proof of a formula for Betti numbers of a stacked polytope
2009-03-08/ Mock Jacobi forms in basic hypergeometric series
2009-03-04/ Computing rank-width exactly
2009-02-28/ Characteristic foliation on a hypersurface of general type in a projective symplectic manifold
2009-02-23/ On formulas for the index of the circular distributions
2009-02-10/ A generalization of castelnuovo-mumford regularity for representations of noncommutative algebras
2009-02-10/ Generalized Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for affine Kac-Moody algebras
2009-02-07/ The maximum number of singular points on rational homology projective planes
2009-01-10/ Syzygy structures of Inner Projections
2009-01-10/ Remarks on syzygies of the section modules and geometry of projective varieties
2009-01-05/ On some ring class invariants over imaginary quadratic fields
2008. 7. 8/ Modular forms arising from divisor functions
2008. 7. 4/ Normal bases of the ray class fields over imaginary quadratic fields
2008. 7. 17/ On the classification of non-normal cubic hypersurfaces
2008. 7. 14/ On some arithmetic properties of Siegel functions(II)
2008. 7. 12/ Modular forms arising from divisor functions
2008-06-28/ Divisibility of ideal class groups of non-normal totally real cubic number fields
2008-06-24/ The complete determination of wide Richaud-Degert type which is not 5 modulo 8 eith class number one
2008-06-22/ The complete determination of narrow Richaud-Degert type which is not 5 modulo 8 with class number two
2008-06-10/ On some ray class invariants over imaginary quadratic fields
2008-06-05/ Analysis of privacy-preserving element reduction of a multiset
2008-06-02/ Multisignatures Secure under the Discrete Logarithm Assumption and a Generalized Forking Lemma
2008-05-30/ Skipping, Cascade, and Combined Chain Schemes for Broadcast Encryption
2008-05-20/ Quasitoric manifolds over a product of simplices
2008-05-14/ Classification problems of toric manifolds via topology
2008-05-12/ Topological classification of generalized bott towers
2008-05-06/ Toric cohomological rigidity of simple convex polytopes
2008-05-04/ Unobstructedness of deformations of holomorphic maps onto Fano manifolds of Picard number 1
2008-05-03/ On some arithmetic properties of Siegel functions
2008-05-02/ On the Ramanujan's cubic continued fraction as modular function
2008-04-30/ Generators of function fields of the modular curves
2008-04-30/ Cyclotomic units in function fields
2008-04-25/ Artin L-functions and modular forms associated to quasi-cyclotomic fields
2008-04-23/ $\ell$-ranks of class groups of function fields
2008-04-23/ On ray class annihilators of cyclotomic function fields
2008-04-12/ On the smooth actions on the Fintushel-Stern's homotopy K3 surfaces
2008-04-08/ Compact Manifolds covered by a torus
2008-04-05/ Quasitoric manifolds over a product of simplices
2008-04-02/ Classification problems of toric manifolds via topology
2008-03-01/ Divisor functions arising from $q$-series
2008-02-10/ Arithmetic of the Ramanujan-G\
Invited Talks
2013.05/ An Erdos--Ko--Rado Theorem for cross $t$-intersecting families
2009.11/ 학술회의발표실적(2007. 9. 1 ~ 2009. 9. 30)
2009.06/ Rational homology projective planes and Montgomery-Yang Problem
2009.06/ Bott manifold and cohomological rigidity
2008.12/ The dimension of the second bounded cohomology
2008.12/ Survey on rank-width and clique-width
2008.11/ Structure theorems of projected varieties according to moving the center
2008.11/ Universal norm elements and Z_p extensions
2008.11/ Realizing exceptional K3 groups in positive characteristic
2008.10/ Truncated Euler systems over imaginary fields
2008.08/ Finite group actions of homotopy K3 surfaces
2008.07/ Holomorphic self-maps of Fano manifolds of 2nd Betti number 1
2008.07/ Raphic delta-matroids
2008.07/ Solvable automorphism groups of compact Kaehler manifolds
2008.07/ toric cohomological rigidity of simple convex polytope
2008.07/ The special values of Hecke's L-function at S=0 and related problems
2008.07/ Construction of class fields over imaginary quadratic fields and applications
2008.06/ Holomorphic self-maps of Fano manifolds of 2nd Betti number 1
2008.06/ Algebra and geometry under projections and applications.
2008.06/ Chain Theorems for 4-prime Graphs
2008.06/ Graphic delta-matroids
2008.05/ Automorphisms of K3 surfaces
2008.04/ Finding branch-decompositions and
2008.03/ Chain theorems for 4-prime graphs
2008.02/ Cyclic quotients of fake projective planes
2008.01/ Rational homology projective planes
2008.01/ Bounded extensions of rank one -(\PI, Gamma) modules
2008.01/ On the coefficients of certain family of modular equations
2007.09/ Syzygies and Free Resolutions of Noncommutative Algebras and Their Representations
Organizing Conferences
2010-02-22~2010-02-26/ KAIST Toric Topology Workshop 2010
2010-01-27~2010-01-29/ Algebra and Geometry of Subvarieties of Projective Space
2009-08-20~2009-08-21/ 2009 Combinatorics Workshop(2009 조합론 학술대회)
2009-08-19~2009-08-22/ East Asia Number Theory Conference
2009-08-17~2009-08-19/ 제 2회 Topology Workshop
2009-06-16~2009-06-18/ 2009 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology
2009-06-13~2009-06-15/ 2009 NIMS Summer School
2009-04-09~2009-04-11/ 2009 Algebraic Geometry Workshop at KAIST
2008-11-12~2008-11-13/ KAIST Workshop on Syzygies and Geometry
2008-08-29~2008-08-29/ ASARC-Conference on Transformation Group Theory
2008-08-28~2008-08-30/ Algebraic Geometry Workshop
2008-08-18~2008-08-21/ ASARC 정수론 학술대회
2008-08-12~2008-08-14/ 제 1회 Topology workshop
2008-06-19~2008-06-20/ 2008 Ewha-KMS International Workshop on Cryptography
2008-06-05~2008-06-13/ Toric Topology Workshop KAIST 2008
2008-05-22~2008-05-24/ ASARC Miniworkshop on Monodromy and Fourier transformation
2008-01-21~2008-01-24/ East Asia Number Theory Conference

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences 291 Daehak-ro (373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea Tel. 042 350 8111(Fax 8114) copyright (C) 2007-2011, KAIST MS, all rights reserved. webmaster@asarc.kaist.ac.kr [Admin]